News About Dorli

80-year activist continues to spread passion
Encourages young people to get more active Original post by: Paul K. Haeder | Down to Earth NW Correspondent | 30 June…

Dorli Rainey’s History of Activism Before She Became an Occupy Icon
by John Hudson | Nov 16, 2011 | The Atlantic Wire The new face of the youth-fueled Occupy Wall Street movement is…

Greenpeace releases video about fake Shell Oil – features Dorli Rainey
Update: Greenpeace, the Yes Lab and members of the Occupy Wall Street movement are claiming responsibility to the series of hoaxes on…

“Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night . . .” nor PEPPER Spray stops Dorli Rainey
February 16, 2012 | by Paul K Haeder | English Instructor Original article: Occupy activist Dorli Rainey, 84, after being hit…

Northwest News: Occupy movement takes protests to bridges; Seattle’s Dorli Rainey, pepper-sprayed grandmother, becomes face of Occupy
Headlines from newspapers, television websites and online magazines of special interest to people around the Pacific Northwest? Yep, we got ’em. …Then…

Sat, 02/11/2012 – 18:03 The Associated Press On any night in New York City, which remains a hub of the movement, a…

Interview with photographer Josh Trujillo
Original Post | January 2012 Spotlight on Josh Trujillo Original Image Josh, thanks for taking part in the interview. Please tell us…

85-year-old social activist leads non-violence training
Posed in By Anna Lopez Features Assistant Friday, January 27, 2012 WENATCHEE — Dorli Rainey, a longtime peace and social activist,…

Dorli leads shut down Lethal Incinerators in Seattle protest
Posted at by StianK on Wed, 01/25/2012 – 21:02 February 11th: Shut down Seattle Steam’s lethal incinerators now! Noon rally at…

News Blackout Greets Citizens United Protest in Seattle | 01/22/2012 Hundreds of people braved the cold temperatures in Seattle Saturday to stand in solidarity with nationwide demonstrations against the…