Dorli Rainey applauds school children at foreclosure blockade
On Thursday 16 May 2013, Dorli Rainey participated in a foreclosure blockade organized by an offshoot of the Occupy movement in an effort to save the home of a man, Jeremy Griffin, who has found work and is now able to pay his mortgage.

JEREMY GRIFFIN Outside of his house with his dog Daisy.
Shortly before midnight last night, 86-year-old activist Dorli Rainey—yes, the Dorli Rainey whose Maalox-covered pepper-sprayed face became an icon of the Occupy movement—got a text message that sheriff deputies were about to evict ironworker Jeremy Griffin from his foreclosed South Park home. So she immediately jumped in a cab and headed down to Griffin’s house to put her body on the line.
Of course she did.
Twelve hours later, the sheriffs had yet to arrive, but a couple dozen fellow activists did, transforming the lawn and sidewalk in front of Griffin’s home into a kinda Occupy Seattle reunion. This is the first “eviction blockade” to be staged by SAFE (Standing Against Eviction & Foreclosure), an activist organization that grew out of Occupy Seattle, focused on helping homeowners fight back against the banks through pragmatic public protests. [read more at:]
Outside a foreclosure blockade in Seattle’s South Park neighborhood, 85-year-old activist Dorli Rainey applauds spontaneous chanting from supportive Concord Elementary schoolchildren. has gathered several videos documenting one man’s plight to save his home. Jeremy Griffin, after losing his job got behind on his mortgage. But, as the reports:
Then in 2012, the construction industry began to revive, and Jeremy got a job again as an ironworker on a bridge near his South Park home.
He told his bank, Wells Fargo, he could now pay his mortgage, but they weren’t interested. He even delivered to Wells Fargo’s Seattle headquarters $1200 rent checks.
On his first rent delivery, Wells Fargo threatened to call the police. On his second delivery, they opted to close the entire 47-story headquarters for the afternoon, rather than accept his money.