A Tribute to Dorli Rainey

Portrait of Dorli in “Police Brutality Coloring Book”
Posted on Wired.com By Dan Glass December 16, 2011 Police Brutality Coloring Book Begs Question, ‘What Color Is Pepper Spray?’ By Joel Dugan,…

Washington State Sales Tax Debate
http://publicola.com/2011/12/06/progressives-debate-sales-tax/ Dorli Rainey is a longtime Seattle activist and onetime candidate for mayor. To close a $1.5-billion funding gap, Gov. Chris Gregoire…

Face of Occupy to speak Saturday
Dorli Rainey, whose iconic photo went viral, will be in Everett as part of a concert and rally called ‘Rockupy.’ By Julie…

The photo of 84-year-old Dorli Rainey that went around the world
Posted by Claudia on November 21, 2011 at 11:02 pm http://blog.chron.com/middlelane/2011/11/the-photo-of-84-year-old-dorli-rainey-that-went-around-the-world/ I was getting my hair cut the other day when a…

Dorli Rainey leads protest against ‘police violence’
About 30 Occupy Seattle demonstrators, included an 84-year-old woman whose pepper-sprayed face made international news this week, protested Friday afternoon against what…